Freelance Developer, Designer and Entrepreneur.
Essentially a curious person working at the intersection of technology, design and creativity. I have worked as a Frontend Engineer for several years for companies such as New Balance and Rituals, and as a freelance creative developer partnering with agencies, designers and directors.
As a designer and subsequently developer, my main interest is people, not code. Code is a tool to get a job done: beautiful experiences. The tools change continuously, but the job will stay the same. That said, I love playing around with all the new tools especially when it's a new animation engine or JavaScript framework.
My single most relevant passion, and the reason I founded NeueHaus, is independent work. The times are changing and employment contracts fail to accommodate the shifting nature of knowledge work. With NeueHaus, I am on a quest to empower high-quality freelance work, make it more accessible, profitable and sustainable for individuals and companies.
Based in Berlin,
working locally and remotely.